Saturday 5 May 2012

Warriewood Blowhole (Carlos Walters)

During the winter of 2010 I went to Warriewood blowhole - a spot that I'd heard a lot about. There is a 13 meter cliff on the ocean side that is ideal for jumping off, however you end up in churning water smashing into the base of the cliffs, and the only feasible way out is to swim through a semi-submerged passage that exits at the other side of the cliff, into what is known as Warriewood blowhole.

So it is dangerous. Water comes from both the north east side (the entrance to the blowhole) and the south east side, so the current is constantly changing, either pulling you forward or back. We managed to swim through it, which was a bit eerie, but the landscape at the other end was simply expansive and engulfing! Sheer rock walls, and water fell and danced, over a large plateau of rock, into and out of the blowhole.

I tried to capture some of this experience in my photography. The way I see photography now is in 'segments' or 'shoots' that preserve and express a particular event or day, often events that are sublime or hard to describe by words.

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